Energy + Manifestation + Success

Almandine Garnet

Almandine garnet, also known as red garnet, carries a strong, fast-paced energy. 

It’s action-oriented vibration enhances our internal energies and helps us act and move forward without feeling tired or weighed down.

 With its deep wine hues, this strength boosting mineral enables us to create, manifest and live our own definition of success.


Family: Garnet

Associated Astrological Sign: Scorpio, Virgo

Chakra: Root

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: Brazil, Sri Lanka, Czech Republic

Crystal Key: Carry this crystal to help boost physical energy.

Calm + Serenity + Communication


Amazonite soothes emotions, fears and stress. 

This calming stone can aid during periods of crisis and help to balance our nervous system.





Family: Feldspar

Associated Astrological Sign: Virgo

Chakra: Heart, throat

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: Brazil, Namibia, India

Crystal Key: Place on top of your electronic devices to block the emission of electromagnetic smog.

Spirituality + Intuition + Alchemy


Amethyst stimulates our intuition and Ajna chakra, making it the perfect stone for meditation. 

This crystal’s profound energies help, guide, and support its user in their journey of spiritual growth.




Family: Quartz

Associated Astrological Sign: Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius, Capricorn

Chakra: Ajna, crown

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging, salt

Country of Origin: Brazil, Bolivia, Madagascar, Uruguay

Crystal Key: Place under your pillow to improve sleep quality.

Awakening + Clarity + Equilibrium


Ametrine is the perfect energetic balance of both citrine and amethyst crystals. 

By stimulating the equilibrium of our intellect and spirituality, Ametrine naturally integrates our intuition and psychic gifts with our practical, everyday life.



Family: Quartz

Associated Astrological Sign: Libra

Chakra: Solar plexus, crown

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging, salt

Country of Origin: Brazil, Bolivia

Crystal Key: Place on your workspace to improve mental prowess.

Acceptance + Mystic + Transition


Andalusite, also known as chiastolite, is a mystical stone.

It appears in times of abrupt changes, helping its user to accept and adapt to new realities, concepts, emotions, and situations.

Andulsite promotes the understanding and acceptance of the lessons brought by such situations.

Family: Silicate

Associated Astrological Sign: Virgo

Chakra: Root, Ajna

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: Spain, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Canada

Crystal Key: Use this crystal when going through a mourning period.

Comfort + Understanding + Strength

Apache Tears Obsidian

Apache tears obsidian provides comfort and healing in difficult times, reinforcing the understanding that everything is perfect.

When hardships cause the heart and soul to grieve, the nourishing vibration of apache tears surrounds them with a warm, calming and loving energy.

Family: Volcanized glass

Associated Astrological Sign: Aries

Chakra: Heart

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging, salt

Country of Origin: Mexico, Southwest USA

Crystal Key: Use this crystal as a comfort during times of grief.

Connection to Higher Realms


Sweet Apophyllite helps to establish the connection between our spiritual and physical worlds. 

This crystal instills a deep sense of peace, self-discovery, and an awakening of the importance of our consciousness. 

Apophyllite assists in developing our intuition, enabling us to trust the Divinity of all that surrounds us, which deepens our connection with the Universe. 

In the most gentle manner, apophyllite is a bringer of truths, guiding us to the principle of being mindful in all of our actions.

Family: Phyllosilicates

Associated Astrological Sign: Libra, Gemini

Chakra: Heart, Third Eye, crown

Cleansing Method: Smudging

Country of Origin: India, Brazil, Italy

Crystal Key: Used in meditation, apophyllite helps to remove spiritual blindness.

Discovery + Bravery + Communication


Aquamarine is a deeply magical and beautiful stone that enables self-discovery by allowing inner courage and strength to surface. 

It also supports the communication of one’s own truth in a soft and gentle manner.


Family: Beryl

Associated Astrological Sign: Gemini, Pisces, Aries

Chakra: Throat, heart

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: Brazil, Pakistan, Afghanistan

Crystal Key: Carry this crystal with you to create a protective shield around the auric field.

Depth + Emerging + Resolution

Arrowhead Obsidian

Obsidians shaped as arrowheads help us to connect with our hidden force, enabling us to be more decisive and resolute in daily life. 

As all protective stones, obsidians are a perfect companion in situations where we need to voice our truth.


Family: Volcanized glass

Associated Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Chakra: Root, Ajna

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging, salt

Country of Origin: Mexico, Southwest USA

Crystal Key: Carry this crystal whenever you need strong protection.

Grounding + Peace + Protection

Banded Agate

The banded tones of this type of agate show us the many layers we encounter in our path.

 Banded agate accompanies us in the crossing and learning of these layers while helping us to stay grounded. 

This type of agate also possesses calming and serene vibrations, bringing strength and protection to our aura and energetic field.

Family: Chalcedony

Associated Astrological Sign: Gemini

Chakra: Root

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: South Africa

Crystal Key: Place on your desk to maintain a peaceful and grounded workspace

Grounding + Healing + Psychic Abilities

Black Agate

Possessing a unique botryoidal formation, black agate helps us to access the very root of our problems and difficulties.

It helps us to progress, heal and release any patterns and blockages that might be impeding our well-being.

This type of agate is a stone of peace and healing.

Its healing both on a personal level and for the Earth as well, allowing us to access the deeper aspects within and helping us to maintain our energy bodies in the best possible states.

Family: Chalcedony

Associated Astrological Sign: Sagittarius, Scorpio

Chakra: Root, Ajna

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: South Africa

Crystal Key: Use this crystal in meditation to help deepen your meditative state.

Depth + Emerging + Resolution

Black Obsidian

True for all obsidians, black obsidians are the result of an immense energy release, forming after a volcanic eruption as volcanic glass. 

For this reason, obsidians are extremely powerful crystals that help us look into our inner nature.

 Black obsidian lets our hidden and repressed thoughts and emotions release our inner strength in order to heal so that our real self can be discovered.

Family: Volcanized glass

Associated Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Chakra: Root

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: South Africa

Crystal Key: Place on your desk to maintain a peaceful and grounded workspace.

Centering + Protection + Self-Realization

Black Onyx

Black onyx is cool, calm and collected.

The energy of this type of onyx helps to center and relax its user, allowing greater presence and an appreciation of the current moment.

Its powerful energy also brings protection from negative energies and allows access to one’s core strength.

Family: Chalcedony

Associated Astrological Sign: Leo

Chakra: Root, solar plexus

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging, salt

Country of Origin: Brazil, South Africa, Mexico

Crystal Key: Carry this crystal whenever you need to calm anxieties and fears, and are in need of increasing your inner strength.

Grounding + Power + Protection

Black Tourmalinated Quartz

Black tourmalinated quartz combines two very powerful energies, the high vibrations from clear quartz and the protective energy from black tourmaline. 

It is a strong protective and grounding stone that reinforces our inner power.

This crystal also serves as a solid and strong energy shield for protection against all kinds of negativity.

Family: Belongs to two mineral families – quartz and the boron silicates

Associated Astrological Sign: All

Chakra: All

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: Brazil, Africa

Crystal Key: It is an ideal psychic protection stone.

Clarity + Grounding + Protection

Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is also known as schorl or aphrizite.

It is a highly protective stone, that helps dissipates, fears, anxieties, and all negative energy from others. 

Black tourmaline helps us to connect to the clarity of being centered and grounded, so that we can access our own inner power and healing.

Family: Boron silicates

Associated Astrological Sign: Capricorn

Chakra: Root

Cleansing Method: Smudging

Country of Origin: Brazil, Africa, Pakistan

Crystal Key: Place in the corner of your office/home/space to create a protective grid around your home.

Strength + Vitality + Wellness


Bloodstone, also known as heliotrope, is known for its support of physical strength and wellness.

This stone helps to replenish our life force. 

Bloodstone infuses vitality and energy into its user while providing courage for action and decision-making.

Family: Chalcedony

Associated Astrological Sign: Aries, Pisces, Libra

Chakra: Root

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: Brazil, Czech Republic, China, India

Crystal Key: Carry this crystal to help improve physical activity and energy.

Connection + Fraternity + Inspiration

Blue Apatite

A crystal for inspiration and creativity, blue apatite possesses a kind, generous energy that instills a sense of fraternity, connecting humanity with the invisible thread that unites all Divine creations.


Family: Phosphate mineral

Associated Astrological Sign: Gemini

Chakra: Ajna

Cleansing Method: Smudging

Country of Origin: Brazil, Africa, Russia

Crystal Key: Wear this crystal when exploring artistic pursuits to increase creativity.

Expansion + Inspiration + Transformation

Blue Calcite

Calcites are known to be world teachers, allowing us to access inner knowledge in order to help us transform and evolve as well as guide us in our spiritual pursuits. 

Specifically, blue calcites help to bring expansion through our inner gifts, allowing us to reach our true potential by connecting as human beings.

Family: Calcium carbonate

Associated Astrological Sign: Cancer

Chakra: Ajna

Cleansing Method: Smudging

Country of Origin: All

Crystal Key: Place underneath your pillow to aid in dream recall.

Attunement + Balance + Perseverance

Blue Kyanite

Blue kyanite is a stone of balance and equilibrium, helping us to maintain the perfect harmony in all possible aspects. 

This crystal is one of the few that never requires cleansing as it simply does not retain any negativities.

 It always vibrates to achieve physical, emotional and spiritual balance, as kyanite helps integrate lessons and situations.

This stone also helps the user to more freely express themselves, allowing for more creative, authentic and unique self-expression.

Family: Aluminum silicate

Associated Astrological Sign: Taurus, Libra, Aries

Chakra: Throat, Ajna

Cleansing Method: Does not require cleansing

Country of Origin: Brazil, Africa

Crystal Key: Meditate with this stone to immediately balance all of your chakras.

Calmness + Sweetness + Vibrancy

Blue Lace Agate

Blue lace agate is full of sweet and calming vibes, which helps us to release and integrate our inner sereninity. 

This crystal assists us in slowing down, calming anxieties, diminishing insecurities, and eliminating fears.


Family: Chalcedony

Associated Astrological Sign: Pisces

Chakra: Throat

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: South Africa

Crystal Key: Use this crystal for help in recognizing truth in all situations.

Awareness + Insight + Perception

Blue Tiger Eye

Blue tiger eye, also known as hawk’s eye, is a stone that enhances alertness, helping us to see the lessons in all of our surroundings, situations, relationships, etc. 

Blue tiger eye shows that there is more than one side to every story, and more than one phase and aspect to each lesson.

Family: Quartz

Associated Astrological Sign: Capricorn

Chakra: Ajna

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging, salt

Country of Origin: South Africa, India

Crystal Key: Use this crystal in meditation to deepen insight and enhance intuition.

Decisiveness + Flexibility + Support


Bronzite teaches us that with certainty comes flexibility, helping us to realize that there is always room to grow. 

Bronzite’s solid structure and beautiful colors illuminate the areas in which we need to learn, expand, improve, and become more flexible or disciplined, depending on the situation.

Family: Belongs to two mineral families – pyroxene and the magnesium silicate compounds

Associated Astrological Sign: Leo

Chakra: Root, sex

Cleansing Method: Smudging

Country of Origin: South Africa, India

Crystal Key: Use this crystal when approaching big projects or tasks that require discipline, flexibility and cooperation.

Action + Creativity + Inspiration


The energy of carnelian nourishes our inspirational and creative side, helping to release emotional blockages and related barriers. 

This is a perfect crystal to use when one needs a boost of physical and mental energy as it clears the path so decisions and actions can be carried out.


Family: Agate

Associated Astrological Sign: Cancer, Taurus, Leo

Chakra: Root, sex, solar plexus

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging, salt

Country of Origin: India, Brazil, Uruguay

Crystal Key: Wear carnelian to awaken the vitality of all three lower chakras, increasing one’s zest for life and the joy of living.

Cleansing + Protection + Spiritual Growth


Charoite is a deeply complex mineral that provides deep spiritual insight.

Charoite urges the user to advance, learn, grow, and evolve, helping to open. cleanse and merge the energies of our higher chakras, specifically the crown and heart chakras. 

By aligning the user with the beauty of the Divine, we are better able to allow for the beautiful synchronicities of life. 

Charoite teaches the process of evolution and understanding and loving everything that surrounds us. 

Family: Rare silicate mineral containing potassium, sodium, calcium, barium, strontium, oxygen, silicon and hydrogen

Associated Astrological Sign: Sagittarius, Scorpio

Chakra: All

Cleansing Method: Smudging

Country of Origin: Russia

Crystal Key: Meditating with this crystal helps to clean the etheric body.

Cleansing + Development + Vision

Chevron Amethyst

Chevron amethyst with its different shades of purple and white quartz rays stimulates the Ajna chakra and improves our psychic vision. 

This type of amethyst helps clear the aura, enabling us to better self-evaluate so that we can improve, grow, and continue to evolve and transform.

Chevron amethyst also helps us to accept what we can see as well as what is unseen or hidden.

Family: Quartz

Associated Astrological Sign: All

Chakra: All, but especially Ajna, crown

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging, salt

Country of Origin: India, Africa, Brazil

Crystal Key: Place on any chakra to release the tension of that specific energy gate.

Energy + Integration + Warmth


Citrine radiates joy and warmth, enabling us to reconnect with our joie de vivre and helping our internal spark of happiness to reemerge.

Ancient texts say that citrine carries a piece of the sun within, thus its energy is sacred and potent, bringing mental acuity, heightening intuition, and stabilizing our emotions.

It also helps us to find the courage to lovingly and energetically expand, grow and evolve.  Citrine is also one of the few minerals that never requires cleansing as it does not absorb negativity.

Family: Quartz

Associated Astrological Sign: Gemini, Aries, Libra, Leo

Chakra: Root, sex, solar plexus

Cleansing Method: Does not require cleansing

Country of Origin: Brazil, Madagascar, South Africa

Crystal Key: Place this crystal on your wallet to attract abundance.

Clarity + Expansion + Infinity

Crystal Quartz

Crystal or clear quartz is a powerful and mighty stone. 

Often overlooked, crystal quartz is the master healer aiding in transformational processes, healing deep emotional wounds, and bringing clarity to all situations.

Crystal quartz is also a powerful energy amplifier and its fine, crystalline vibration encourages expansion, eliminating blockages and limitations. 

It also helps in deepening meditations and is an indispensable support in spiritual growth.

Family: Quartz

Associated Astrological Sign: All

Chakra: All, but especially crown

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging, salt

Country of Origin: All

Crystal Key: Place this crystal next to another crystal of your choice to amplify its energy.

Divinity + Gratitude + Love


Infused with the energy of hope and love, the emerald is an incredibly powerful stone that helps open the heart and heart chakra.

Emeralds assist in purifying the heart and aura in order to connect the user with the frequency of Divine Love.

By stimulating the high heart chakra, emeralds eliminate “lack mentalities” of scarcity and negativity and develop gratitude through Divinity, to our Creator.

Emeralds are a powerful and profound emotional healers. 

Family: Beryl 

Associated Astrological Sign: Taurus, Gemini, Aries

Chakra: Heart, high heart 

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging,

Country of Origin: Brazil, Colombia, Zambia

Crystal Key: Wear an emerald to attune to the frequency of abundance.


Spiritual Flame of Absolute Perfection

Fire Agate

Fire agate is a powerful stone that allows the user to manifest guidance in all life situations, helping develop creativity and self-expression while maintaining a sense of calm and serenity.

Fire agate also aids in they discovery of one’s dreams and helps to develop a sense of self that cannot be swayed or manipulated.

It strengthens the ability to stand one’s ground yet in a loving way. Fire agate also helps us to relax and unwind, dispelling all negativity that builds up and surrounds us on a daily basis.

Family: Quartz

Associated Astrological Sign: Aries

Chakra: Root, sex, solar plexus

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: Mexico, Africa, India, Brazil

Crystal Key: Place this crystal near your manifestation or vision boards.

Equilibrium + Focus + Structure


Fluorite helps bring order and organization to those areas of our life that are in need of structure.

Containing many different colors, this beautiful stone also supports the awakening of psychic gifts, which heightens intuition and practices related to spiritual paths. 

Fluorite works through our bodies on mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual levels, providing balance and nourishment.

Family: Halide – a form of calcium fluoride

Associated Astrological Sign: Pisces, Capricorn

Chakra: All

Cleansing Method: Smudging

Country of Origin: China, USA, Germany, Mexico

Crystal Key: Carry this crystal to improve self discipline and optimize organization.

Gratitude + Responsibility + Self-Worth

Gold Calcite

Known as world teachers, calcites allow us to access inner knowledge in order to help us transform and evolve as well as guide us in our spiritual pursuits.

Specifically, gold calcite, also called honey calcite, stimulates the will and the mind, supporting us to connect with higher knowledge and act upon new and Divine inspiration without procrastinating.

Calming fear and anxiety, gold calcite also simulates a sense of self-worth.

Family: Calcium carbonate

Associated Astrological Sign: Cancer

Chakra: Root, solar plexus, Ajna

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: Mexico, Africa

Crystal Key: Meditate with this crystal to help with indecisiveness.

Purpose + Sincerity + Resolve

Gold Tiger Eye

Gold tiger eye enables us to find the balance between what we feel and what we think, helping us to live our soul purpose. 

Its golden rays signal the path to those looking to reconnect with higher energies.


Family: Quartz

Associated Astrological Sign: Capricorn

Chakra: Root, sex, solar plexus

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging, salt

Country of Origin: Western Australia, India, Africa

Crystal Key: Place on the lower chakras to activate and align these energy gates.

Introspection + Positivity + Restructuring

Green Aventurine

Green aventurine invites us to live life with joy, directing us to see the positive in all things.

This crystal also possesses healing qualities, facilitating the of deep repair of emotional wounds in a loving, supportive way.

For sincere seekers of self-improvement and growth who are able to look honestly within themselves, green aventurine helps uncover inner truth and desires and find the root of situations.

Family: Quartz

Associated Astrological Sign: Aries

Chakra: Heart

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging, salt

Country of Origin: Brazil, Russia, India

Crystal Key: Carry this crystal to attract good luck and manifest prosperity.

Compassion + Forgiveness + Vitality

Green Onyx

Green onyx is actually a crystalline mix of green calcite and aragonite.

Known as world teachers, calcites enable us to access inner knowledge to facilitate transformation and evolution as well as guide us in spiritual pursuits.

Specifically, green calcites help us to access our inner creativity, releasing a sincere form of self-expression.

This crystal also brings out our inner healer, instilling a sense of fraternity and social responsibility.

Family: Calcite

Associated Astrological Sign: Capricorn, Cancer

Chakra: All, especially heart

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: Pakistan, Mexico

Crystal Key: Place this crystal near work spaces to increase confidence and inner strength

Grounding + Manifestation + Nurturing

Hematoid Jasper

A wonderful combination between jasper and hematite minerals, hematoid jasper possesses a strong, certain energy that helps promotes grounding.

This crystal nurtures us from the inside out, enabling us to connect to, create, manifest and accomplish our inner purpose and desires.

Family: Jasper

Associated Astrological Sign: Leo, Aries, Aquarius

Chakra: Root, sex

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: Brazil, Africa

Crystal Key: Place on your work station to increase productivity.

Happiness + Insight + Power

Herkimer Diamond

Herkimer diamonds are known for their high energy level and abilities to awaken our intuition. 

Serving as great allies in the awakening of consciousness and discovering inner truths. 

Herkimer diamonds help dissolve and release spiritual, emotional and physical energy blockages.

Herkimer diamonds also assists in new beginnings, attuning the user to new energies and an understanding of the importance of one’s “inner space.”

Family: Quartz

Associated Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Chakra: All, but especially crown

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: USA

Crystal Key: Meditate with a Herkimer Diamond to increase your personal power individuals.

Calmness + Protection + Stability


Black jet is a strong and protective crystal. It is a stone of strength, helping to eliminate fears and instill stability and balance. 

Jet is also a great calming support, aiding in the control of erratic mood swings.

It is a strong support for those suffering from depression.

Family: Derived form of fossilized wood.

Associated Astrological Sign: Capricorn

Chakra: All, for purification

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: USA, India, Polonia, France

Crystal Key: Wear when conducting business meetings as a protective stone. Also place on your wallet to enhance finances.

Intuition + Destiny + Light


With its luminescence, labradorite communicates that our destiny is light.

Its energy expands intuition, inner knowledge and trust.

Labradorite conveys the message that evolution, transformation and advancement is a process and just as the moon has phases, so do we.


Family: Feldspar

Associated Astrological Sign: Sagittarius, Leo, Scorpio

Chakra: All

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: Madagascar, Canada, Mexico, USA, Russia

Crystal Key: Meditate with this crystal to awaken your inner magic.

Guide + Sacredness + Wisdom

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli embodies an extraordinary combination of sacred knowledge and guidance. 

Its deep blue hues show where the union of the Divine Realm and the Physical world is possible and tangible. 

A very protective stone, lapis lazuli also enhances intuition.

Family: Formed by multiple minerals, such as lazurite, pyrite and calcite

Associated Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Chakra: Throat, Ajna

Cleansing Method: Smudging

Country of Origin: Afghanistan, Chile, Russia

Crystal Key: Place on your Third Eye to activate and awaken the Ajna chakra.

Clarity + Healing + Power


Lepidolite is a stone with deeply transformational energy. 

This powerful and high vibrational mineral opens and activates the crown chakra, enabling its user to accept Divine Blessings and overcome difficult changes and situations. 

As a Divine messenger, this crystal reminds us that Love is the most powerful energy of all.

Lepidolite’s healing properties help calm the heart, soothe the nervous system, and assist in finding balance in every aspect of life.

Family: Mica

Associated Astrological Sign: Libra

Chakra: Heart, Ajna

Cleansing Method: Smudging

Country of Origin: Brazil, Africa, USA

Crystal Key: Place on tight or contracted muscles and nerves to alliviate and release tension, especially on the sciatic nerve.

Evolution + Insight + Protection


Malachite is a stone of evolution and transformation. 

With its deep and vibrant greens, it provides strength to face difficult situations involving profound changes. 

Malachite promotes emotional healing and gives insight into the root of a problem or conflict, including any hidden or repressed aspects.

As an extremely powerful protection stone, malachite surrounds and shields the user with its strong energy, defending them from any negativity.

Family: Copper carbonite hydroxide

Associated Astrological Sign: Capricorn, Scorpio

Chakra: Heart, solar plexus

Cleansing Method: Smudging

Country of Origin: Madagascar, Republic of the Congo

Crystal Key: Malachite is one of the most powerful protective stones.

Determination + Integration + Joyfulness

Mookaite Jasper

Mookaite jasper is a joyful crystal with a firm energy, instilling determination and courage.

This crystal helps to integrate our inner experiences, such as emotional and spiritual, to the physical realm.

Mookaite jasper teaches us the importance of joy and beauty in our life, inspiring us to stop and smell the roses.


Family: Although this crystal has been popularized as Mookaite jasper, it is actually not a jasper.

Instead, it is a silicified type of Radoliarite mineral.

It’s name is derived from Mooka Creek, the region where it is found.

Associated Astrological Sign:

Chakra: Root, solar plexus, Ajna

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: Australia

Crystal Key: Wear this crystal to improve immunology and blood purification.

Dreams + Hope + Introspection


Moonstone carries the energy of the moon – sometimes full, clear and bright; sometimes hidden and dark but always present; and always beautiful.

Moonstone provides an ideal support for new endeavors and beginnings, and assimilating all related changes.

Working with moonstone is to begin a journey of introspection, transformation and evolution.

This special crystal also helps to manifest our deepest desires and connect us with our hopes and dreams.

Family: Orthoclase feldspar

Associated Astrological Sign: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio

Chakra: Ajna, crown

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: Madagascar, India, USA

Crystal Key: Perfect crystal to assist in new beginnings.

Grounding + Karmic Links + Transformation

Petrified Wood

Petrified wood, also known as agatized or fossilized wood, is a powerful grounding mineral.

 With an interesting mineral formation, the wood has not become a stone; instead, the form of the wood remains and is transformed into silicon dioxide, making it part of the quartz family.

As such, this crystal helps us to connect with the power of internal transformation, facilitating the release and surrender of old patterns that may be attached to our past lives.

Petrified wood helps us to move forward and find the lessons appearing in all aspects of our life.

Family: Quartz

Associated Astrological Sign: Leo

Chakra: Root, Ajna

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: All

Crystal Key: Meditate with this crystal to access information about past lives for healing purposes.

Delicateness + Gentleness + Nurturing

Pink Andean Opal

Pink Andean opals emit soft and delicate energy, reminding us that we can always be the best version of ourselves.

This crystal encourages us to reach our highest potential by nourishing our soul while providing the opportunity to expand our heart chakra.

 It instills a sense of hope, generosity, fraternity, and cooperation.

Family: Opal

Associated Astrological Sign: Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius

Chakra: Heart

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: Peru

Crystal Key: Meditate with this crystal to heal emotional trauma.

Confidence + Grounding + Stability

Pink Botswana Agate

Pink Botswana Agate is a stone for grounding.

Its stable and firm energy allows it to maintain a forthright character and encourages us to follow the eternal quest of spirituality.

Pink Botswana agate expands our horizons, helping us to more fully understand our situations and surroundings.

Family: Chalcedony

Associated Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Chakra: Root, crown

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: Botswana

Crystal Key: Carry and meditate with this crystal to strengthen the auric field.

Affectionate + Forgiveness + Optimism

Pink Calcite

Pink calcite, with its sweet and pale rose colors, conveys a message of Love.

Known as world teachers, calcites empower us to access inner knowledge to help us transform and evolve as well as guide us in our spiritual pursuits.

Specifically, pink calcite teaches us that Love is the only force that allows the heart to honestly and completely forgive. 

Its positive, tender and optimistic energy makes the user flourish with joy and hope.

Connecting with pink calcite is to connect with best part of you.

Family: Carbonite

Associated Astrological Sign: Cancer

Chakra: Heart

Cleansing Method: Smudging

Country of Origin: Peru

Crystal Key: Carry this crystal to improve interpersonal relationships of all kinds.

Active + Authentic + Creativity

Red Jasper

Red jasper transmits a firm, earthly vibration that energizes the physical body.

It fills us with creativity and inspiring action to create and physically manifest our ideas, hopes, dreams, thoughts.

Jaspers are known for their ability to support and nurture all who need it, allowing the user to lean on red jasper whenever assistance and reinforcement is needed.

Family: Jasper

Associated Astrological Sign: Leo

Chakra: Root, sex

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: Brazil, India, Africa

Crystal Key: Place on your solar plexus to activate and awaken this chakra.

Healing + Renewal + Stability


Rhodochrosite is a powerful healing stone for the heart.

It possesses fine and soothing energies that help heal the deepest of emotional wounds.

Its many shades of rose, pink and red aid in mending every layer that needs healing, stability and love.

This crystal’s beautiful energy brings renewal, regrowth and rebirth. Just as plants sprout new leaves, Rhodochrosite helps us to sprout anew, slowly but surely, little by little.

This is a stone that appears when its user acknowledges a readiness to heal, move forward, and resume one’s journey.

Family: Manganese carbonate

Associated Astrological Sign: Scorpio, Leo

Chakra: Heart, solar plexus

Cleansing Method: Smudging

Country of Origin: Argentina

Crystal Key: Meditate with this crystal to begin the process of healing deep emotional wounds.

Compassion + Generosity + Thoughtfulness


Rhodonite bridges the space between the mind and the heart, instilling a profound sense of compassion and spirituality.

This crystal inspires us to see, feel and think before acting, helping our energies integrate so we can reflect on them.

Supporting us in being more generous and thoughtful, Rhodonite’s stable energy helps us to see life as a gift and an opportunity rather than a duty.

Family: Pyroxene

Associated Astrological Sign: Taurus

Chakra: Heart, root

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: Brazil, Madagascar, South Africa, Mexico

Crystal Key: Meditate with this crystal to activate the pineal gland which produces melatonin, a hormone that helps maintain circadian rhythm and regulate reproductive hormones.

Acceptance + Love + Self-Confidence

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz, with its beautiful and profound pink light, speaks directly to the heart – to the inner self.

Rose quartz teaches that self-love is all-encompassing, nourishing, and strengthening and that one should value their gifts, abilities, and uniqueness.

Rose Quartz allows our heart to love and accept ourselves as we are, free from emotional and physical self-doubt, self-imposed limitations, and negative self-perceptions.

This compassionate and heart-centered crystal helps us to flourish and emerge, becoming a beam of light.

Family: Quartz

Associated Astrological Sign: Taurus, Libra

Chakra: Heart

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging, salt

Country of Origin: Brazil, Madagascar, parts of Europe

Crystal Key: Place a sizeable rose quartz piece in each room of one’s home to envelop the home in its gentle, loving energy.

Amplifier + Luminous + Purification

Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated quartz is a powerful energy amplifier due to the rutiles embedded within the crystal.

These bright and luminous rutiles bring clarity and purity to all situations, illuminating our path.

Rutilated quartz is also beneficial in helping to detox the body as the rutiles support in the purification process and elimination of physical and emotional toxins.

Rutilated quartz instills the need for renewal, improvement and evolution.

Family: Quartz

Associated Astrological Sign: All

Chakra: All

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging, salt

Country of Origin: Brazil, Madagascar

Crystal Key: Can be used to amplify any sincere intention and affirmation for one’s well-being.

Clarity + Meditation + Protection


Selenite is powerful spiritual activator, allowing fluid communication with our higher self, spirit guides and guardian angels.

This “light bringer” helps us to cleanse and clear our auric field, keeping all our bodies in balance.

Selenite is also a powerful protective stone and serves as a great supporter through healing journeys.

Family: Gypsum; a hydrous calcium sulphate

Associated Astrological Sign: Taurus

Chakra: Ajna, crown

Cleansing Method: Smudging

Country of Origin: Africa, Australia, Greece, Mexico, USA

Crystal Key: Place this crystal above your crown chakra to access higher meditative states

Balance + Good Fortune

Shiva Lingam

Shiva Lingam is a grounding crystal that balances the masculine and feminine forces of life.

This crystal helps us to connect with our sexual energy of creation as well as brings solutions to physical and emotional problems, especially when related to any type of imbalance. 

Shiva Lingam nurtures connection with creativity, bringing assertiveness to our choices and actions.

Family: Crypto-crystalline quartz

Associated Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Chakra: All

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: India

Crystal Key: Carry this crystal to attract good fortune in all endeavors.

Learning + Healing + Protection


Shungite, with its lustrous color and energy, encourages us to shine and learn from every experience, relationship and situation.

Shungite teaches us that as inhabitants of this planet, we are on a constant journey…always learning, healing and improving.

This protective stone shows us how all these constant processes affect the physical, emotional and mental aspects as well as how all this ties into our spiritual realm.

Family: Non-crystalline carbon

Associated Astrological Sign: All

Chakra: All, especially root

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: Russia

Crystal Key: Wear shunguite to stimilute the elimination of toxins.

Cleansing + Fulfillment + Purity

Smoky Citrine

Smoky citrine combines the energy of both citrine and smoky quartz.

This powerful crystal brings a deep sense of joy, fulfillment and peace; instilling a sense of tranquility and balance to the user. 

Smoky citrine is quite a rare mineral as the natural forms of citrine and smoky quartz are both hard to obtain.

Likewise, its energy is unique and gentle yet powerful, helping us to achieve our highest potential and connecting us with the depths of the Earth and the Universe.

Family: Quartz

Associated Astrological Sign: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Capricorn, Sagittarius

Chakra: All

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging, salt

Country of Origin: Brazil

Crystal Key: Meditate with this crystal to attune to higher frequencies and instill a sense of joy of life.

Humbleness + Profound + Soul Connection


This inconspicuous blue stone works quietly but profoundly.

Sodalite finds the root of all blockages and helps to remove them, connecting the soul with the physical body.

Sodalite enables the expression of feelings and long-held repressed emotions, allowing our heart to speak wisely in an honest and tender manner.


Family: Feldspar

Associated Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Chakra: Ajna

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging, salt

Country of Origin: Brazil, Africa, India

Crystal Key: Meditate with this crystal to attune to higher frequencies and instill a sense of joy of life. 

Place in common areas to improve communication, cooperation, and solidarity between groups of people.

Brightness + Originality + Release


Sunstone carries the sacred energy of the sun, bringing bright light into our lives. 

Sunstone’s energy is fierce and full of vitality, helping to release old destructive patterns and to embrace the necessary beauty of change and transformation. 

Its magnetic energy inspires us to create and connect with our own originality and to stand for our own beliefs and truth.

Family: Plagioclase feldspar

Associated Astrological Sign: Libra, Leo

Chakra: Solar plexus, sex

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: India

Crystal Key: Carry this crystal to instill a sense of independence and originality.

Mystic + Vision + Spiritual


Unakite is a mystical stone with expanded energy that helps to clear the Ajna chakra.

Unakite brings consciousness to the present, balancing earthly and nonearthly matters.

Its clearing effects allow the ethereal body to align with the higher self, bringing balance to the physical and spiritual.

Family: Jasper

Associated Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Chakra: All, especially heart

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: Africa, USA

Crystal Key: Carry this crystal to help improve self-discipline and intuition.

Balance + Control + Relaxation

White Howlite

White howlite is an extremely relaxing and calming stone.

White Howlite helps to release and dispel anxieties, anger, fears, and strong negative emotions. 

White howlite, with its gentle energy, helps us to connect with deep inner peace.

It soothes our phsyical body and effectively keeping our emotions and thoughts balanced.

Family: Borate; calcium borosilicate hydroxide

Associated Astrological Sign: Gemini

Chakra: Ajna

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: USA

Crystal Key: Place this crystal on your bedside table to achieve deep relaxation.

Intuition + Perseverance + Wisdom

White Labradorite

White Labradorite, commercially popularized as rainbow moonstone, is a stone of intuition, perseverance and wisdom.

It possesses ageless wisdom inherent to us as spiritual beings.

White Labradorite radiates light, and all of its different hues express that life too has many aspects and lessons.

Family: Plagioclase feldspar

Associated Astrological Sign: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio

Chakra: Ajna, crown

Cleansing Method: Water, smudging

Country of Origin: Madagascar, India, Canada

Crystal Key: White labradorite is a particularly strong psychic protection stone.

Guidance + Stability + Willpower

Yellow Calcite

As world teachers, calcites enable us to access inner knowledge to help us transform and evolve as well as guide us in our spiritual pursuits.

 Specifically, yellow calcite has a calm yet firm vibration that supports the activation of the solar plexus chakra. 

The energy of yellow calcite infuses and slowly penetrates the ethereal layers of the chakra center, reinforcing willpower and increasing physical energy.

Yellow calcite is also a helpful guide in times when the light is not seen easily.

Family: Carbonate

Associated Astrological Sign: Cancer

Chakra: Solar plexus, crown, sex

Cleansing Method: Smudging

Country of Origin: Mexico, Madagascar

Crystal Key: Place on a chakra point to activate and expand that energy gate.

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