Choosing Your Jewels of Nature™

Enjoy a Personalized Crystal Shopping Experience

Jewels of Nature™ is an exclusive service program developed by Crystal Garden International, Inc. Our focus is on the art of crystal curation, where we meticulously align the energies of the space, the owner, and the magnificent beauty of carefully selected crystals to achieve perfect harmony.

This process involves a highly personalized energetic matching alongside the meticulous selection of stunning, one-of-a kind pieces. Our process involves the reading of the individual’s unique energetic signature and the perfect matching between our crystal heirlooms, the individual’s energy and the space they wish to revitalize and enhance.

Our service is perfect for those who feel the need for a profound transformation in their surroundings and have a keen interest in crafting perfect havens and Crystal Gardens across all aspects of their lives.

Whether you’re looking to elevate:

  • home settings – such as gardens, living rooms, studios, home offices, beachfronts, and mountainsides
  • personal crystal collections -for those who are looking to add unique, spectacular and one of a kind specimens.
  • commercial spaces – such as hotel lobbies, spas, boutiques, corporate office spaces or wellness focused spaces.

For individuals with personal crystal collections who desire unique, remarkable, and one-of-a-kind specimens, our expertise extends to meet your specific needs. We ensure that if you’re looking for a personal item, we conduct an energy match to provide you with the most perfect and compatible piece.

Our private, expertly guided, and educational sessions encompass a wide range of areas, including crystal selection, lighting, positioning, care, and the creation of a customized plan to transform your space into a harmonious and energized sanctuary.


Our Process

Meaningful connection with our clients is at the heart of our Jewels of Natureprogram. In a private, relaxed session, we are able to discover our clients’ needs, thoughts, likes, and expectations so we can begin our personalized sourcing process.

We take great care to ensure that every piece selected is in harmony with our clients’ unique energy, creating an ideal connection between owner and crystal. 

We look forward to helping you choose your perfect crystals

Throughout the years, I’ve learned through personal experience that crystals are a special and effective tool to help us grow, expand, heal and connect all aspects of our life; from the most physical – headaches, pains, broken bones, and joints; to the emotional – healing of the heart, the connection of our soul, even the release of the deepest of wounds.

Anna Lucia, Creative Director of Crystal Garden

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