Blissful Dreams Lavender Amethyst Spirit Quartz A



Availability: Only 1 left in stock

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Discover the transcendent beauty of our Amethyst Spirit Quartz, a crystal renowned for its spiritual and intuitive properties. As its name suggests, this extraordinary gem serves as a conduit to the higher realms, activating the crown and higher chakras to foster a profound connection with the self and the universe.

  • Spiritual Connection: Designed to deepen your spiritual journey, this crystal enhances intuition and opens channels for pivotal insights about your path and purpose.
  • Calming Influence: Imbued with deeply calming frequencies, the Amethyst Spirit Quartz is a sanctuary of serenity. It aids in alleviating stress and worries, promoting restful sleep and relaxation.
  • Chakra Activation: Specifically targeting the crown and higher chakras, it facilitates an unparalleled flow of spiritual energy, enabling you to tap into your inner wisdom and embrace your true potential.

Each piece of our Amethyst Spirit Quartz is not just a crystal but a unique spiritual tool, meticulously selected to aid in your quest for tranquility and self-discovery. Whether used for meditation, as a decorative element, or a thoughtful gift, it promises to be a source of comfort and enlightenment.

Embrace the journey towards a more spiritual and intuitive self with this powerful gem, and let the Amethyst Spirit Quartz illuminate your path to personal growth and inner peace.

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6ā€H x 4ā€ W
3 lb 4 oz

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