Earthly Serenity Raw Green Apophyllite


Availability: Only 1 left in stock

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Green Apophyllite is celebrated for its ability to refresh the soul, promote healing, and enhance personal growth. It’s a powerful ally in meditation, helping to deepen your connection to the natural world and your inner self. Known for its soothing energies, this crystal aids in dissolving stress and anxiety. It’s an ideal companion for those seeking to create a sanctuary of peace and calm in their daily lives.

Nature’s Connector

With its vibrant green hues, Raw Green Apophyllite fosters a deep bond with nature, encouraging environmental awareness and appreciation for the earth’s beauty.

Primarily associated with the heart and third-eye chakras, it facilitates a harmonious balance between the heart’s desires and the mind’s wisdom.

Resonates beautifully with those seeking to align with the nurturing aspects of the universe, making it a perfect match for all zodiac signs with a affinity for growth and renewal.

Cleansing and Care

Maintain its luminous energy through simple cleansing methods such as moonlight bathing, smudging, or gentle rinsing under natural water.

Place this crystal in your living space, workplace, or meditation area to invite the essence of spring and renewal. It not only beautifies the environment but also creates a vibe of growth and healing. Utilize Green Apophyllite in healing practices to amplify the energies of rejuvenation and emotional release, making it easier to overcome obstacles to personal growth.

Additional information


Approx. 1lb
Approx. 3" – 4" L x 3" – 4"

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