Amethyst Drop Necklace



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Beautiful pendant that helps connect with your intuition and carry the best vibes, supporting your spiritual journey everywhere you go!

Spirituality + Intuition + Alchemy


Amethyst stimulates our intuition and Ajna chakra, making it the perfect stone for meditation. This crystalā€™s profound energies help, guide, and support its user in their journey of spiritual growth.

Family:Ā Quartz

Associated Astrological Sign:Ā Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius, Capricorn

Chakra:Ā Ajna, crown

Cleansing Method:Ā Water, smudging, salt

Country of Origin:Ā Brazil, Bolivia, Madagascar, Uruguay

Crystal Key:Ā Place under your pillow to improve sleep quality.

Additional information


Pendant size: 6x9mm Pear Shape, Necklace Length: 18"

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