Adorably Stunning Mini Veracruz Amethyst

High Frequencies + Profound Transformation


Availability: Only 1 left in stock

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An adorable Veracruz Amethyst with incredibly purple ends, with perfectly formed miniature points that show the beauty of this type of amethyst that makes it so sought out.Ā This beautiful piece is incredibly aesthetic with perfect points and a truly beautiful purple-lavender hue.

About Veracruz Amethyst

Renowned for its stunning lavender color and soft yet high frequencies, Veracruz Amethysts are a unique variety only found in Veracruz, Mexico. These gems boast an extraordinary vibrancy, with each piece emanating a breathtaking purple hue that captivates the senses.

Energetic Vibrations

Experience the swift and potent vibrations of Veracruz Amethysts, known for their fast-acting energy that facilitates a rapid entry into deep, profound meditative states. The gentle frequencies create an atmosphere of tranquility and spiritual connection almost immediately upon contact.

Transformational Energies

Beyond their aesthetic appeal, Veracruz Amethysts carry powerful transformational energies. Embrace the opportunity for self-discovery and integration of both physical and spiritual lessons. Let these unique amethysts guide you on a journey of profound transformation and growth.

Stunning Rarity

Each Veracruz Amethyst in our collection is a unique and stunning piece of nature’s artistry. The quality, color, and vibrancy of these pieces set them apart as exceptional treasures. Elevate your collection with pieces that not only enhances your aesthetic surroundings but also resonates with transformative energies.

Indulge in the extraordinary with our Veracruz Amethysts ā€“ where breathtaking beauty meets powerful, transformative energies. Explore the rare and remarkable through the lens of nature’s finest craftsmanship.

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16.5 g
6 cm H

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