Creation of Magic – A Crystal Garden Set


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Immerse yourself in a journey of awakening and empowerment with Creation of Magic – A Crystal Garden to awaken your inner magic, and create the life you dream of. This offering transcends the ordinary, inviting you to delve into the extraordinary.

Divine Inspiration Unveiled

Born from a profound meditation experience channeled to one of Crystal Garden’s directors, this exceptional collection is the embodiment of divine inspiration. It serves as a conduit for everyone to manifest desires and embrace the lives they genuinely deserve.

Awaken Your Magic

Within this set, you’ll discover three meticulously chosen crystals, each radiating unique energy, enhancing the power of creation. Iron Pyrite sparks creation and motivation, while Lapis Lazuli nurtures vision and understanding. Black Tourmaline, grounding and protective, complements the intuitive energies of the other crystals. A bundle of White Sage is included to harmonize the energy, creating a sacred space for your manifestation journey.

The set is perfectly balanced, its energies complementing each other to foster the development of vision, abundance, and grounding within us. It creates the foundation for crafting everything we dream and deserve, unleashing our inner magic.

Manifest Your Dreams

“Creation of Magic” goes beyond crystals; it’s the master key to unlocking latent potential. It walks alongside you on the intricate path of manifesting with intention and grace. This unique collection invites transformative journeys, aligning with energies that foster creation, equilibrium, and safeguarding.

Create Your Reality

Not just a collection, “Creation of Magic” is a stunning decor piece for your special places, adding elegance to your surroundings. Perfectly balanced energies complement each other, fostering vision, abundance, and grounding within us. It sets the foundation for crafting everything we dream and deserve, unleashing inner magic.

Place it in sacred spaces like your workspace, desk, or a cherished spot where you pursue your dreams. It’s a display of intention, a visual reminder of the energies at play as you weave aspirations into reality. Care for and cherish this collection as a sacred artifact, for it’s more than crystals ā€“ it’s a tangible bridge to dreams.

Empowering Pursuits

Whether an apprentice or adept in crystal healing, “Creation of Magic” empowers manifestation pursuits.Ā Let this channeled Crystal Garden be your catalyst, transforming dreams into tangible reality. Immerse in captivating energies of chosen crystals and embark on a journey where creation, equilibrium, and safeguarding intertwine harmoniously.

Embrace the Magic

The art of creation awaits ā€“ are you prepared to embrace its magic?


  • Raw Black Tourmaline
  • Raw Iron Pyrite
  • Polished Lapis Lazuli
  • California White Sage
  • Instruction Card


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