Divine Love Natural Smoky Citrine F

Cleansing + Fulfillment + Purity


Availability: Only 1 left in stock

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Discover Radiant Beauty and Unique Energy: Smoky Citrine

Behold the majesty of our Smoky Citrine, an absolute masterpiece in every sense. This extraordinary piece boasts a gradient champagne hue that captivates the eye and soul. Its beauty is further enhanced by mesmerizing inclusions, ethereal rainbows, and intricate jardins nestled in its heart.

A Flawed Gem, A Majestic Statement

While this piece bears a slight imperfection in the form of a small chip on the tip, its grandeur remains untouched. Originally priced at $1350, we have adjusted the cost to reflect this minor flaw, offering you a unique opportunity to own a truly majestic piece of nature.

Champagne Elegance

The rich champagne hue of this Smoky Citrine is nothing short of breathtaking. It exudes an energy that is both lovely and enchanting, making it a remarkable addition to any collection.

Transcendent Clarity

The transparency and tone of this crystal are consistent throughout, allowing you to appreciate its beauty from every angle. Its unique coloration, a result of the distinct conditions in which it was formed deep within the Earth, sets it apart from the ordinary.

A Fusion of Energies

Smoky Citrine harmoniously merges the qualities of smoky quartz and citrine crystals. It is a catalyst for creativity and the profound wisdom that resides within you.

A Bridge to the Divine

These exceptional crystals deepen your natural connection to the mineral world, opening the doorway to the Divine. They instill a profound sense of wonder and peace, nurturing your spiritual journey.

Embrace the enchantment of our Smoky Citrine and adorn your space with a symbol of nature’s splendor and wisdom. This is not just a crystal; it’s a work of art, a testament to the enduring beauty found within the Earth. Don’t miss your chance to own this exquisite piece from old stock, now available at a reduced price.

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6” H x 3 ½” W 1lb 8 oz

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