Citrine Double Terminated Crystal



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Approx 1 3/4″ in L

Energy + Integration + Warmth


Citrine radiates joy and warmth, enabling us to reconnect with our joie de vivre and helping our internal spark of happiness to reemerge. Ancient texts say that citrine carries a piece of the sun within, thus its energy is sacred and potent, bringing mental acuity, heightening intuition, and stabilizing our emotions. It also helps us to find the courage to lovingly and energetically expand, grow and evolve. Citrine is also one of the few minerals that never requires cleansing as it does not absorb negativity.

Family:Ā Quartz

Associated Astrological Sign:Ā Gemini, Aries, Libra, Leo

Chakra:Ā Root, sex, solar plexus

Cleansing Method:Ā Does not require cleansing

Country of Origin:Ā Brazil, Madagascar, South Africa

Crystal Key:Ā Place this crystal on your wallet to attract abundance.

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Approx 1 3/4" in L

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