Crystal Quartz Double Terminated Crystal



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Approx 1 Ā½ ” to 2″ in

Clarity + Expansion + Infinity

Crystal Quartz

Crystal or clear quartz is powerful and full of might. Often overlooked, crystal quartz is the master healer, aiding in transformational processes, healing deep emotional wounds, and bringing clarity to all situations. Crystal quartz is also a powerful energy amplifier, and its fine, crystalline energy encourages expansion, eliminating blockages and limitations. It also helps in deepening meditations and is an indispensable support in spiritual growth.

Family:Ā Quartz

Associated Astrological Sign:Ā All

Chakra:Ā All, but especially crown

Cleansing Method:Ā Water, smudging, salt

Country of Origin:Ā All

Crystal Key:Ā Place this crystal next to another crystal of your choice to amplify its energy.

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Approx 1 Ā½ " to 2" in

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