Petrified Wood Palm Stones

Grounding + Karmic Links + Transformation


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Grounding + Karmic Links + Transformation

Petrified Wood

Petrified wood, also known as agatized or fossilized wood, is a powerful grounding mineral. With an interesting mineral formation, the wood has not become a stone; instead, the form of the wood remains and is transformed into silicon dioxide, making it part of the quartz family.
As such, this crystal helps us to connect with the power of internal transformation, facilitating the release and surrender of old patterns that may be attached to our past lives. Petrified wood helps us to move forward and find the lessons appearing in all aspects of our life.

Family:Ā Quartz

Associated Astrological Sign:Ā Leo

Chakra:Ā Root, Ajna

Cleansing Method:Ā Water, smudging

Country of Origin:Ā All

Crystal Key:Ā Meditate with this crystal to access information about past lives for healing purposes.

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