Tumbled Black Obsidian



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Depth + Emerging + Resolution

Black Obsidian

True for all obsidians, black obsidians are the result of immense energy release, forming as volcanic glass after the eruption of a volcano. For this reason, obsidians are extremely powerful crystals that help us to look into our inner nature. Black obsidian lets our hidden and repressed thoughts and emotions release our inner strength in order to heal so that our real self can be discovered.

Family:Ā Volcanized glass

Associated Astrological Sign:Ā Sagittarius

Chakra:Ā Root

Cleansing Method:Ā Water, smudging

Country of Origin:Ā South Africa

Crystal Key:Ā Place on your desk to maintain a peaceful and grounded workspace.

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Approx 1ā€™ā€™ to 2ā€™ā€™ in

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