Your #CrystalKeys
for 2021 

Clarity + Meditation + Protection
Selenite is powerful spiritual activator, allowing fluid communication with our higher self, spirit guides and guardian angels. This “light bringer” helps us to cleanse and clear our auric field, keeping all our bodies in balance. Selenite is also a powerful protective stone and serves as a great supporter through healing journeys.
Rose Quartz
Acceptance + Love + Self-Confidence
Rose Quartz, with its beautiful and profound pink light, speaks directly to the heart – to the inner self. Rose quartz teaches that self-love is all-encompassing, nourishing, and strengthening and that one should value their gifts, abilities, and uniqueness. Rose Quartz allows our heart to love and accept ourselves as we are, free from emotional and physical self-doubt, self-imposed limitations, and negative self-perceptions. This compassionate and heart-centered crystal helps us to flourish and emerge, becoming a beam of light.
Iron Pyrite
Abundance + Energy + Protection
Pyrite is a powerful protection stone, instilling a sense of safety and security, allowing us to maintain ourselves calmed and serene even in the most turbulent of times. Iron Pyrite is also a powerful abundance and energetic stone, instilling a sense of vitality, personal power and ability to make and create, allowing us to achieve our dreams, hopes and goals, whilst keeping us focused on what is truly important in our lives.
Palo Santo
Palo Santo is a sacred tool utilized to cleanse, clear and harmonize spaces. It is a powerful cleansing tool that helps bring harmony, renewal, and peaceful energy to spaces, crystals and the self.
Our Palo Santo is ethically sourced, collected from special, regulated harvests. Our suppliers work respectfully, and with love, honoring its culture, history, and the preserving of our Earth.
White Sage
White Sage is a sacred herb that has been utilized for centuries as a powerful cleansing tool, to bring forth the highest of frequencies, serenity, as well as a purifier agent to environments. White Sage has also been used to help clear, cleanse and renew the energies of spaces, crystals, meditation and healing tools; White Sage is also used to help deepen meditative states, as it clears and energizes our environments.
Our California White Sage is ethically sourced, collected from special, regulated harvests. Our suppliers work respectfully, and with love, honoring its culture, history, and the preserving of our Earth.
Unlocking your Crystal Keys:
Hemos creado este set con mucho amor y las herramientas necesarias para dejar a un lado todas las tensiones y energía negativa que hemos experimentado este año, para así darle la bienvenida al 2021 de la mejor manera.
Esta meditación la puedes realizar durante todo el mes de Enero. Te recomendamos utilizar audífonos para cancelar el ruido externo durante tu meditación y así puedas concentrarte mejor.
? Encuentra un espacio donde colocar tus cristales y que sea cómodo para hacer esta meditación.
? Inicia limpiando tu espacio y tus cristales son sage/salvia para disipar las energías negativas o pesadas del ambiente y preparar tus cristales.
? Continúa la limpieza con palo santo, para complementar la purificación de tu espacio y armonizarlo.
? Escribe 4 listas:
Lista 1: cosas por las que estás agradecido.
Lista 2: personas a las que debes perdonar y a las que debes pedir perdón.
Lista 3: lecciones aprendidas.
Lista 4: sueños, metas, añoranzas y deseos.
? Inicia a distribuir tus cristales mientras sostienes la barra de selenita en la otra mano:
Sobre la Lista 1 coloca cuarzo rosado.
Sobre la Lista 2 coloca cuarzo rosado y pirita.
Sobre la Lista 3 coloca cuarzo rosado y pirita.
Sobre la Lista 4 coloca pirita.
? En una posición cómoda, da inicio a la meditación guiada que hemos preparado para ti al final del video.
? ¿Para qué sirve cada cristal? ?
❤️ Cuarzo Rosado es perdón y compasión, nos ayuda a agradecer, perdonar y ser perdonados, crecer desde el amor.
? Pirita nos ayuda a crear la realidad que queremos, cumplir nuestros sueños, cumplir metas, establecer lo que deseas lograr.
? Selenita nos ayuda a entender, ver el por qué de las cosas, lo que debemos integrar, nos lleva a la apertura de la vida espiritual a la que estamos entrando.
✨¡Feliz 2021!✨